3R Englishは下記の日程で休業とさせて頂きます。期間中、レッスンはございません。休業期間中に頂いたご連絡、お問い合わせへのお返事は翌営業日以降にさせて頂く場合がございますのでご了承下さいませ。年明けは1月6日(月)よりレッスン再開となります。
3R English will be closed for the winter holiday from Saturday, December 21st through Sunday, January 5th. Classes will be held in 2020 from Monday, January 6th. We will reply to any communication arriving during the winter break when we resume business January 6th. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Have a great holiday and we look forward to seeing everybody in 2020!