(English follows)

スクールホリデー中ですが、3R Englishの生徒さんたちは学習を続け、素晴らしい進歩を遂げています。
このクラスは、英語力、特に習得が難しいスピーキングとリスニングの能力において、CEFR A1級または英検3級に相当するレベルになりました。
3R English
Hello English learners!
We hope you are all having a good summer and staying cool.
Despite being the school holidays, our pupils at 3R English have been continuing with their studies and are making excellent progress.
Our Friday/Intermediate class have just completed Callan book 3 and all passed the stage exam. Stage exams are a summary of the course work including grammar, vocabulary, dictation writing and the important ‘yes/no’ section. In this part of the exam, pupils answer spoken questions from the teacher to test their conversational skills.
We are especially pleased as one pupil attained 50/60 (84%) which is a very good test score at this level.
This class is now at the equivalent CEFR Grade A1 or EIKEN Grade 3 Level, in terms of their English ability, especially their speaking and listening skills which are difficult to master.
If you or your child is aiming for a TOEIC or EIKEN pass we can help you achieve this goal.
Our classes are fun and dynamic and always given by an experienced, native British English teacher. Our learning programs are extremely good value for money, and designed for school pupils, University students, professional workers, including tele-working, seminars etc, plus travel purposes and living abroad.
In the meantime, Congratulations! to our pupils and let’s move on to Callan Book 4 and EIKEN Level Pre 2….
Richard & Miyako
3R-English, Ofuna, Yokohama