(English follows/英文は日本語の下にあります)

大船の英会話スクール3R English は、この秋、大変忙しい日々を過ごしています。
この度、ご要望にお応えして、小学生(3年生以上)を対象とした「Kids' Beginners' English」のクラスを新たに開講することになりました。
3R Englishでは、信頼と実績のある2つの英国式メソッドで指導しています。カランメソッドとジョリーフォニックスです。この2つのメソッドは、文法やフレーズ、ボキャブラリーなど、英語をマスターするために必要なすべての要素をカバーしています。
Hello all Yokohama and Kamakura English learners!
It has been a busy autumn so far for us at 3R English school, Ofuna.
We’re pleased to announce, that due to demand, we have opened another 'Kids’ Beginners’ English class for elementary school children grade 3 and upwards.
More and more parents are understanding that it’s vital for kids to learn English; a transferable skill that can be used throughout their lives. English will help give them the best choices when it comes to high schools, colleges, universities, career possibilities and working abroad. A good English education is one of the best investments you can make in your child’s future life.
At 3R English, we teach with 2 British, trusted and proven methods: The Callan Method and Jolly Phonics. These methods cover every component needed to master the English language, including useful grammar, phrases and vocabulary.
Many of our intermediate level 3R kids are currently taking or studying for EIKEN exams and we are seeing a lot of success. In particular, our students are finding the speaking / listening sections of tests much easier. This is a very important area of kids’ English education which we specialise in at 3R.
We have been helping online too with English tutoring for an EIKEN pre - 2 level pupil, so we are eagerly awaiting this result
We are also sitting another 3R/Callan stage 1 exam at the school shortly. We anticipate most of our young learners will graduate to Stage 2 before Christmas!
With myself being the teacher and director, plus being born British English, I can ensure that there is always a high quality lesson being taught. The students definitely benefit from hearing a native English accent, with only the correct pronunciation and grammar used.
See you in the classroom.