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カランメソッドを一番効果的に学習して頂く為に/Getting the best from your Callan English studies at 3R English, Ofuna, Yokoh

3R English 英会話で一番効果的にカラン英語を学習する方法。


カランメソッドは、おそらく世界中で最も優れた英語学習メソッドであり、全てのレベルと目的の人に適しています。3R English 英会話の生徒さんは、ロンドンのカランスクールで正式トレーニングを受けたイギリス人講師によって、メソッドにきちんと沿ったレッスンを受けることが出来ます。

カラン英語は、Q&A / リスニング&スピーキングを中心に行われ 、生徒さんが自然反射的に英語で考えて、話せるスキルを身につけられるまで、必要なだけ反復練習を行う“ダイレクトメソッド”を使っています。




ここでは、 最も効果的なカラン英語の学習に役立つヒントを紹介していきます:



Revision Exerciseを必ず行う。

レッスンの中で、講師はRevision Exerciseを自宅で行ってください、と言います。これをレッスンのすぐ後に行うことをお勧めします。数回分のRevision Exerciseを溜めてしまうと、ついさぼって全くやらなくなってしまいがちです。Revision Exercise はレッスンの内容をどのくらい理解出来ているかを把握出来る重要な作業です。例えば、Book3のRevision Exerciseが初回は50%しかスコアしなかった場合、Book3のレッスンが終了した段階で、再び力試しすることが出来ます。もし数回行ってもスコアがなかなか上がらない場合は、講師に相談してください。

上のレベルに進む前に、今のレベルのRevision Exerciseを必ず行ってください。また、スコアが1度や2度で100%取れなくても、レッスンではいつも繰り返し復習を行いますので心配しないでください。


ディクテーションの添削を自宅で必ず行ってください。きれいに書き、大文字小文字を使い分け、正しいスペルとパンクチュエーションを付けることは英語を使う中で大切な部分です。正しい書き方を身につけられるよう、直ぐに訂正する癖をつけると良いでしょう。一般的に、人は書き方と同じように話すと言いますので、直ぐに訂正することで、例えば、That’s wrongの所をThat’s longと書いたりする間違いがなくなります。









Getting the best from your Callan English studies at 3R English, Ofuna, Yokohama.

Learning English with Callan is arguably the single most effective method there is in the world today. Callan English is suitable for people of any level and for any purpose and at 3R English students receive strict tutoring from a native English person, properly trained at the Callan School in London.

Callan English is taught via’ The Direct Method’ which focuses on question & answer / listening & speaking with as much repetition and revision as possible until the student develops the skill to think and speak in English instantaneously. Lessons are quick paced, fun and dynamic whereby students learn and absorb English quickly and accurately; pronunciation is corrected on the spot by the teacher. Students use a Callan student book to read through and practise at home plus a vocal book in Japanese/English to learn new words. An accompanying audio book helps students to become familiar with spoken English and develop their listening skills.

In order to get the most from Callan English and your studies with us, here are a few useful tips:

Upon receiving each student stage book – write the translation of ALL the words you don’t understand next to the word in the book (English/Japanese vocab/dictionary is also included in your package) Students who do this straight away find it eliminates flicking through 2 books, saving time. They also learn the correct English word immediately thus remembering it more easily.

At certain points in your lessons, the teacher will ask you to do ‘Revision Exercise Number – in your student book’. It is advisable to do each revision exercise straightaway at home to avoid having 2 or 3 revision exercises pile up and become neglected completely. These revision exercises are an important way of testing yourself at home and understanding the lesson content. If for example after marking your revision you only score 50% on a book 3 test you can re-attempt the exercise once your class has completed a book 3 revision at school. If your score does not improve or you have any concern over particular topic, then raise this with the teacher after the lesson and he will help you correct it.

As a final check, be sure you have done each revision exercise in each book before moving on to a higher Callan stage and remember we always repeat and revise so don’t worry if you’re not 100% clear the 1st or 2nd time!

Mark your dictations at home and correct any mistakes by using your student book. Writing neatly, using capital letters, correct spelling and punctuation are important parts of using English. The sooner you can get into the habit of writing and correcting your work – the better. Generally people write how they speak, so you should aim to eliminate mimicking spoken errors on paper; e.g. ‘That is wrong’ Not ‘That is long’ etc.

Do not use Hiragana to speak English!

The English alphabet and speech sounds are an entirely different concept to the Japanese language system. That may sound like an obvious statement but without realising it, most Japanese students are subconsciously using Hiragana and Katakana as habit.

Mispronunciation can lead to confusion and at best sounds comical which is why Callan English teachers are trained to hear students speak and correct them immediately, before any bad habits have a chance to start.

Take time therefore to learn every new sound carefully, including the sounds of the alphabet. Listen to the audio files and if you find anything particularly difficult, the teacher will be happy to practise the sound with you.

Move your mouth!

The nature of the English alphabet and speech is such that these sounds can often only be made by moving the mouth in a variety of shapes and contortions, unlike Japanese which can be spoken with comparatively little mouth movement. New students may be a little self conscious of making these facial expressions at first but they are vital in order to become a clear and fluent English speaker. As always, the teacher will show you the correct pronunciation and how it is done, practice of these new sounds at home or in the car etc can really help master spoken English and help to speed up your lesson with less correction.

Repeat, repeat and repeat.

We’re all busy people with busy lives but the students who learn fastest and most accurately are typically those who practise. Even if it’s 15mins a day, it will keep your mind fresh and boost your memory. If you know another English student or someone who speaks English, practise with them and don’t be afraid to make mistakes; just be confident!




- English School in Ofuna / 大船の英会話スクール 

- English Classes for Kids / 子供英語教室 

- English Classes for Adults / 社会人英語教室  

- Part Time International School / パートタイムインターナショナルスクール

- English School in Kasama, Sakae-ku, Yokohama / 横浜市栄区笠間の英会話スクール

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