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保護者の方へのメッセージ~お子さんを英語で成功させるには~/Message to the parents - How do I get my child to be a confident English speaker?

こんにちは、3R Englishです。

3R Englishでは、質の高い、コストパフォーマンス抜群の英語のレッスンを提供することに情熱をもっています。また、レッスン外でもこのような形で生徒さんや保護者の皆様とコミュニケーションを保つことが大切だと信じています。









まず、3R Englishのキッズクラスにお子さんを入会させたことは、正しい第一歩です。












カランキッズ、フォニック、ビデオ、および新しいJolly Phonics グラマーブック(対象者のみ)の正しい使用方法について。








  • 5分前にレッスンに到着してください。お子さんはリラックスしてレッスンに望めます。

  • テキストブック、シート、宿題をすべてレッスンにもってきて、机の上に置いてください。

  • 教室の入退室時に先生に英語で挨拶をしましょう。

  • レッスン中の基本的な英語のフレーズを学び、使いましょう。 「Yes」、「No」、「Please」、「Thank you」、「Open your book」、「Turn the page」、「I don’t understand」など。英語で考えるように挑戦してみましょう!


100%保証して言えることは、私たちのガイドラインに沿っている保護者の方と生徒さんは、パフォーマンスが優れています。 成功は、自信とより実り多い楽しい学習体験を作り上げることができます。


3R English

Richard & Miyako

Dear student and parents,

At 3R English, we are passionate about giving you the best quality English lessons possible, and the best value for money.

There are so many private English schools in Japan, but how many of them really care about you or your child’s needs? Are they just going through the motions? Just happy to take your money for as little effort as possible?

Why even bother to learn English?

Like it or not, the world is changing rapidly. The environment, the economy, human rights and needs are all different from the 20th century. The international language of communication is English and therefore,  it is more important than ever, that we embrace this as our lives change.

Being a British husband and Japanese wife team, and with mixed race children, we are in a unique position to tell you how important being bi-lingual is; you get the best of both worlds!

Kids who are bi-lingual will have more options in life, and be able to pick better schools, universities and jobs. They will meet a wider range of people from different cultures and broaden their minds, becoming well-rounded and knowledgable young adults - essential for the challenges that face them in this uncertain future.

With the onset of AI and computer aided technology in our lives, the need for us to press buttons and file documents will be a thing of the past. Instead, more creative thinking, problem solving and being receptive to outside ideas and cultures will be necessary, so speaking English will be an essential tool.

Unfortunately, the state system is still outdated, and ill-equipped to get your child up to the standard required. Having spoken to you all directly, during your trial lesson or introduction to our school, we know that you are aware of this worrying fact.

So how do I get my child to be a confident English speaker?

Well, you’ve done the correct thing, by enrolling them in our kids’ classes at 3R-English.

The teacher is passionate and committed to helping your child learn a second language. We like to think that we have the right balance of study content and class atmosphere that ensure fun and productive lessons. Remember also, that we are teaching our own kids English at home, every day!

There are 10,080 minutes in a week. Every student needs speaking, listening, phonics, reading and handwriting practice, yet an English lesson is 50 minutes. This means that less than 0.5% of your child’s week is scheduled for these important tasks! When you see how insignificant that is, you realise the scale of the challenge.

How can we help our child as a family?

The first thing we ask from the beginning, is that you follow all the emails,  guidance and instructions from us - without fail. We teach by a carefully designed system, which is intended to make things as easy as possible for your child and you.

Ensure that you know what your child is being taught, and how to study it at home. 

Please get involved with your child’s work; ask questions about the lesson, what they studied, what they enjoyed or found difficult and generally share the experience with them as much as possible. 

Feel free to ask us questions or for advice at any time - we are happy and willing to help you!

Ensure that both you and your child know what homework must be done - supervise where necessary - check it has been done and ticked on their homework sheet. If neither of you are sure - please ask us today.

Ensure that you and your child know how to study: How to use the Callan work book, how to use the Blue Phonics work book, how to use the DVD correctly, plus the new Jolly Phonics Grammar books.

Watch more TV in English. Family movies together in English with subtitles are a good way of learning.

If home study is not done, your child will be missing out on a crucial part of their English education, and will not succeed!

N.B. Please never do your child’s homework for them!! Attempting it and getting it wrong is perfectly acceptable. It will be checked and ir necessary  explained again by the teacher anyway.

"Practice makes perfect”

To be successful, students must practise every day. Kid’s generally have amazing memories for new information, but their ability to forget is just as amazing!

Once the homework has been completed, it is a good idea to practise it a few times during the week - so allow time to do this.

Other general housekeeping tips to follow are:

Arrive at the lesson 5 minutes beforehand.

Ensure that you have all your books, sheets and homework with you.

Greet the teacher in English when arriving and leaving.

Learn and use the basic English phrases during the lessons e.g. ‘Yes’, ’No’, ‘Open your book’, ‘I don’t understand’ etc. Try and think in English at all times!

We appreciate that this may all sound daunting, but actually it's not that demanding once you get used to it.

We can say with 100% guarantee, that the families who use our school and follow our guidelines have better performing children = without question. Success builds confidence and a much more productive and fun learning experience.

Thanks for your time and patience and we look forward to seeing you or your child in the classroom next time.

Richard and Miyako


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