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Spring 2024 school report time!

Hello, English learners!

At 3R English Academy, we are committed to holding high standards and getting the best from our students. In order to do so, every student’s performance is assessed at the end of every lesson.

By monitoring a child’s strengths and weaknesses, we can target specific areas and also liaise with you, the parent. For example, we might suggest that your child practises phonics more or targets certain grammar points at home.

Students are assessed on all aspects of class work and homework and are awarded a score for each skill. We also find that this information is useful for busy parents who may have limited time to check on their child’s English progress from week to week.

Reports are completed twice a year, once in April and again in October. Please use ‘report time’ as an opportunity to discuss your child’s English progress with them. We welcome feedback from pupils and parents alike on this topic.

We look forward to teaching everyone again this year and helping you achieve your English goals!

Richard & Miyako

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